Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego

Laburnum in the bishop's garden

2024-05-23 08:52:32 (ost. akt: 2024-05-23 08:55:59)

In the bishop's garden, laburnum bloomed, also known as golden rain, goldbush and shrub dripping with gold.

Laburnum in the bishop's garden
The tree is very decorative, yellow icicles hanging downwards create the impression of "dripping gold". Although our laburnum still needs time to bloom fully, it is worth brewing it today.

Andrzej Talerak wonderfully reflects the character of this tree.

Her arms are hung with gold and her shoulders are sickly
Green like a fig leaf barely covers it
Wanting to cover the ugliness Raised above him
A linden tree with contempt in its leaves like a false wife
He shows himself to the world in the most beautiful way he can
A miserable tree from which there is neither a wardrobe nor a table
And to be seen in the garden crowd
With his gold in his eyes he flashes with the magpie together
And there is something strange about this great vanity
An inconspicuous tree under a golden cover
Which irritates though beautiful And beautiful envy
Many, not remembering that they will turn to dust
Because we can briefly call all this life
And in it, beauty ends at the end of autumn.